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Underwater Inspection in lieu of Dry-docking (UWILD) or an in-water survey is one of the measures which are taken to ensure a vessel’s seaworthiness while adhering to statutory administration regulations. Since vessel’s are a capital-intensive asset and taking her out of the water will incur a substantial amount of expenditure and loss of revenue for the ship owner.

Our team of expert divers delivers reliable service backed by hi-tech equipment, industry best practices and safety standards. The standard scope of work includes sea chest inspections, paint thickness measurement, hull plate thickness readings, stern bearings, rudder post and bearings, anodes, sea chest and 

valves, are among the several checkpoints for an in-water ship survey. 

In addition to the above, we provide hull cleaning from marine growth to lower hull frictional resistance, RF which leads to lower fuel consumption and thereby reduced greenhouse gas emissions and also clearing of fouled propellers.

Underwater operation scope of works

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